In Poland, preparations are underway to limit access to the pills “day after”. Meanwhile, in the UK to benefit from such pills it is not only a limited requirement for consultation with a pharmacist, but it is also 5 times more expensive than in other parts of Europe.
Emergency contraception is used by women when they are not secured during intercourse, or when the selected sex contraceptive not checked (e.g., When burst condom). Pill “morning after” which are taken at 5 days after intercourse, ovulation moves and does not allow in this way to fertilize the egg.
Note: mobile phones heats reduce the number of sperm and sperm!
In the UK pill “day after” it is very expensive because it costs an average of 5 times more than in other European Union countries. According to the European Consortium for Emergency Contraception pill in France, such costs £ 5.50, and in the UK until the UK £ 31.60.
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Anne Furedi of the British Pregnancy Advisory Service argues that the attitude of the authorities to emergency contraception is unacceptable. – Emergency contraception is a safe and effective way to prevent unplanned pregnancy, but the current framework regulating this issue in the UK are offensive, expensive and do not correspond to the needs of women – said Furedi.
– Condoms are on the shelf. Sex toys are on the shelf. All kinds of drugs are on the shelf. So why do we have a problem with emergency contraception? As a society, we treat sex as a pleasure, and at the same time we expect that women will bend heads in shame when something goes wrong, as it sometimes just happens – she added.